Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

This Work of Women, by Shiloh McCloud

Here's an empowering excerpt from one of my favorite artsists, Shiloh McCloud:

This Work of Women

Yes. It is time for a revolution in women and path, women and money, women and business, women and art, women and marketplace. We do not choose to give our work of any kind away for nothing. We are not starving or frivolous artists. We are creators whose creations save lives, heal the world, heal wounds. This work of women, preistesses and practicioners of every kind is VISIONARY WORK.

Your work is vital. Essential. Needed. This work of women must include creating livelihood. This is not easy, quick, fun, nor likely. This is not accepted or encouraged. But this is what we must do:

Cause an abundance revolution.

We must create our own path.

We must create our own money.

We must create art.

We must create our own marketplace.

We must be compensated.

We are creating our own mystical cosmic luminous overflowing BANK. A bank that does not cause, contribute or condone the suffering of others for profit. A woman's bank. Believe it. Create it. Deposit into it. Draw from it. Invite other women to it. Enter the income stream in your little golden boat and dream and work and pray and play and do not stop. Keep going. It will almost always seem inpossible. But we will make miracles. Miracles are organizing themselves around our dreams, our work, right now.

Believe it.

Shiloh Sophia McCloud 2005

Gritty Girl's Empowerment Program Makes NEWS!!!

Here's the latest on our growing GrittyGirl Program for girls:

Dear Friends!

I'm exited to share this article in the Herald with you: GrittyGirl Music Girl's Empowerment The summer program was so successful, we are continuing into the schoolyear with Saturday sessions. Please email me or call 954-467-8460 for more info.

Onward and upwards!
Michelle Riu
Gritty Girl Music